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Insufficient sanitization / filtering allows for arbitrary JavaScript Injection in Mautic using the bounce management callback function. The values submitted in the "error" and "error_related_to" parameters of the POST request of the bounce management callback will be permanently stored and executed once the details page of an affected lead is opened by a Mautic user.

An attacker with access to the bounce management callback function (identified with the Mailjet webhook, but it is assumed this 
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Insufficient sanitization / filtering allows for arbitrary JavaScript Injection in Mautic using the bounce management callback function. The values submitted in the "error" and "error_related_to" parameters of the POST request of the bounce management callback will be permanently stored and executed once the details page of an affected lead is opened by a Mautic user. An attacker with access to the bounce management callback function (identified with the Mailjet webhook, but it is assumed this w